Thursday, July 29, 2004

Distance leads to enchantment

We were having our lunch on one of those mundane routine office days. Actually we here refers to Loudmouth and Recursive Sindhanai. Happily enjoying the lunch, which we felt tasted all the same it did yesterday and the day before yesterday and those innumerable days before all those yesterdays, we drooled (well actually we did) over a new trainee who had joined. In fact she was sitting few tables ahead of us actually 6. Well 6 isn’t that great a distance when you feel so close to that anonymous face. We talked how good she looked, her smile, the dimples and what not. But then sometimes she looked all too flat , igniting no feeling either of want or denial. Slowly we drifted to more intellectual Posh Bullshit. Don’t ask me what it means because then you’ll have to endure what we lived through those six months when we had "company", of a person to whom we were the Hawkiest people alive on the face of earth! Believe me it’s a real pain and you know where.

Having finished our lunch we moved on to have a short walk before we settled in our seats; well actually that’s a euphemism for me smoking after lunch and Recursive eagerly watching how much of it is left to burn, both the cigarette and me. (!) Then. There. We saw that trainee again. Walking a slow paced walk with her friends, talking something we couldn’t hear or understand, though we did want to. She crossed us.

Yuck. Goodness gracious. What a look! What a face! What a smile! What teeth!

True very true. Distance leads to enchantment.

Good from far;

Far from Good.

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