Tuesday, July 06, 2004

One more for accusations...

Ok so now it seems that controversies and accusations have a natural liking for me. Male Chauvinist Pig. Interesting. By the way I couldn't understand that why anything despicable is always compared to pig? In fact I would be honored to be compared to a pig. Do you know how much it helps the cities? It cleans all the garbage! Do you know how much it helps the 'farmers' in France or Italy somewhere there, to find that much-valued underground mushroom. For all that help the pig gives to us we are always there to make it a benchmark for lowliness in everything, character, behavior...!

So coming back to MCP (Male Chauvinist Pig).

When I could understand the dynamics of the society we live in and the complex networks of dependencies amongst individuals, how families are structured, what roles different people have to play in it, etc. I would stare at them in amazement. How complex yet so simple. I was trying to understand the role of females in the society, how they affect it. The newspaper and the TV were all too informative. Conclusions: The females are an oppressed lot, denied opportunities, education and almost everything. So I became a supporter of women liberation, equal rights and everything the NGOs find to come to limelight.

But then something happened. Tip of an iceberg so to say??

Job. Equal rights for men and women for job opportunities. A man gets a job and a family of 4 has at least one bread earner; mostly its two, the man of the house and the woman. So far so good.

All earning men do not mind marrying a non-earning woman. So a family always has at least one bread earner, the man. If both man and woman have a job, that increases the purchasing power of the family to live a modestly luxurious life. Right. But see it the other way round.

Will a woman be willing to marry a non-earning man?? Maybe, but I haven't seen it. See the matrimonials, you'll find it there. NRI, Earning 6 digit salary, good company, MNC blah blah blah.

So that job that goes to the woman if had been given to a man would have one more family have a person earning! Right.

Do all these rhetoric about women rights commensurate with the complex nature of our society?

You may say I'm wrong.


Praveer said...

Calling Taran an MCP is three insults packed into one sentence:

Male -- an Insult to all the males, yours truly included.

Chauvinist -- an Insult to the English language forcing me to feel pity at the english vocabulary of insults not being rich enough.

Pig -- an Insult to all the pigs in the world.

To use this utterly notorious blog for cheap publicity .....

Any earning girl interested in marrying a non-earning man, kindly count me in, in the list of candidates.

To quote Calvin ....

Why should I have to WORK for everything?! It's like saying I don't deserve it!

Well! I cannot agree more :D

Epiphany said...

U surely wudn't mind beinG A pig....DNT u remember...a pig's orgasm lasts for 30 min!!!