Wednesday, July 07, 2004


So I had been on a long vacation to my home. After 1 year. Had a lot of good experiences. Changed a lot. Witnessed many humorous incidents where I laughed and rolled over the floor like anything.

I. This is about the son, about a year old, of lady who was doing Ph.D under my mother. So a caretaker mostly looked after this little kid, both the parents had to go to the office. Poor Kid. So this caretaker used to say Accha hai (It's good) and this is what the kid learnt and this is what this kid always said. So one fine day the kid’s aunt, father's sister, was eating mangoes while this kid was sleeping. Just as the aunt was about gulp down the first bite the kid woke up and said Accha hai. Poor aunt she was so embarrassed, and I who witnessed the whole episode was head over heels lauffin.

II. I was enjoying the evening tea, looking over the balcony thinking how much my colony had changed. while doing so I realized that there was this Honda Activa oscillating between the ends of the main road of the colony. Putting my specs where they are usually supposed to be I saw a fair, beautiful girl probably in her twelfth grade riding her bike up and down the poles (!). To enjoy this show were a bunch of guys sitting on every place which could accommodate their bum(-py) base of at least six. I too started to enjoy the free show, then suddenly. SCREEEEEcH. There was a twist in the fairytale. The Honda slipped and the princess fell flat on the road. The onlookers lauffed, so did I, and left. The poor princes, I can never understand how can a princess be poor(?), brushed her dress and riding slowly left the road. I didn't see her again for next couple of days.

III. If you have traveled on Indian rail-network you would have certainly found these. You can actually sense them by that peculiar clapping sound. For a second you are compared to every other hero in the Bollywood and you pay a heavy price for it. So this was when I was returning back from home. This guy was sitting in the next coupe. When this troupe approached him Oye Hritik, Salman la de de this guy very irritatingly said I have been giving money since last day and have almost given Rs. 150. The troupe very calmly said Those would have been from U.P, M.P and Maharashtra. We are from Andhra Pradesh.

IV. This guy in flashy clothes, humming some English chart buster and trying his ring tones every now then. The one I'm so modern and different from others kind. I couldn't understand why he behaved so cos I didn't find any good-looking females in the compartment. Anywayz, so this guy for some reason to show brave he his goes to the door of the bogie and sits at the door with his legs on the footboard.See I'm so cool kind. After some time he came back red face holding his leg. A big branch of a tree had hit him on his toes. The show had a big scratch mark on it and his foot had gone pale blue with swelling. Fracture for sure. Good for shoe that it was there to save his foot from any more damage. I had a nice time laughing for all that he did.

V. To endure a 3-day train journey in summers and that too when you are going towards the oven, read north, its pain in You know where. The pain was assuaged by the presence of lot many kids below 1 year of age. Though their crying was sometimes irritating but they were good pastime during the day. Felt like watching the Kid Videos on Discovery Channel.

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